DHARMa - Residual Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models
The 'DHARMa' package uses a simulation-based approach to create readily interpretable scaled (quantile) residuals for fitted (generalized) linear mixed models. Currently supported are linear and generalized linear (mixed) models from 'lme4' (classes 'lmerMod', 'glmerMod'), 'glmmTMB', 'GLMMadaptive', and 'spaMM'; phylogenetic linear models from 'phylolm' (classes 'phylolm' and 'phyloglm'); generalized additive models ('gam' from 'mgcv'); 'glm' (including 'negbin' from 'MASS', but excluding quasi-distributions) and 'lm' model classes. Moreover, externally created simulations, e.g. posterior predictive simulations from Bayesian software such as 'JAGS', 'STAN', or 'BUGS' can be processed as well. The resulting residuals are standardized to values between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted as intuitively as residuals from a linear regression. The package also provides a number of plot and test functions for typical model misspecification problems, such as over/underdispersion, zero-inflation, and residual spatial, phylogenetic and temporal autocorrelation.
Last updated 3 days ago
14.74 score 226 stars 10 dependents 2.8k scripts 14k downloadsBayesianTools - General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics
General-purpose MCMC and SMC samplers, as well as plots and diagnostic functions for Bayesian statistics, with a particular focus on calibrating complex system models. Implemented samplers include various Metropolis MCMC variants (including adaptive and/or delayed rejection MH), the T-walk, two differential evolution MCMCs, two DREAM MCMCs, and a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) particle filter.
Last updated 1 years ago
10.17 score 122 stars 5 dependents 580 scripts 915 downloadsProfoundData - Downloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database
Provides an R interface for the PROFOUND database <doi:10.5880/PIK.2019.008>. The PROFOUND database contains a wide range of data to evaluate vegetation models and simulate climate impacts at the forest stand scale. It includes 9 forest sites across Europe, and provides for them a site description as well as soil, climate, CO2, Nitrogen deposition, tree-level, forest stand-level and remote sensing data. Moreover, for a subset of 5 sites, also time series of carbon fluxes, energy balances and soil water are available.
Last updated 5 years ago
5.58 score 9 stars 14 scripts 170 downloads